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Website Audit: Essay

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Tip 1: Move the dark/light mode toggle inside the hamburger menu, and replace its current position with a CTA button. This is something that takes precedence over the light/dark toggle, as the website theme naturally defaults to the visitor's system settings, and will therefore rarely be overriden. The CTA will show at the top of the page no matter the scroll position, giving the visitors the ability to try Essay at a moment’s notice.

Tip 2: Clarify your value proposition. The goal of the title is to answer the question “What does this do for me?”, whereas the subtitle’s goal is to provide additional information as to how said value is created.

Tip 3: To increase the conversion rate on the sign-up form, emphasize to visitors that using Essay is free to start, and does not require credit card information.

Tip 4: At a glance, it isn’t immediately apparent that Essay breaks down the writing process into 4 steps, and that Rewriting is the one being illustrated. Instead, consider not obscuring the product behind an illustration; show it to users as they’ll see it. To guide visitors towards an explanation of Essay’s functions, overlay a play button on top of this section. On click, Essay’s Workspace Tutorial video will appear.

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Desktop view on page load

Tip 5: Miscellaneous navigation refinements.

- Consider creating a dedicated “Features” page which lists and/or illustrates all of Essay’s capabilities associated with each step in the writing process.

- Rename “Plans” to “Pricing”

- Rename “Media” to “About Us”, as the content within provides background as to the origins of Essay, rather than a compilation of mentions in the press.

- Rename “Guide” to “Writing Guide”

- Make the “Sign up” CTA more visually prominent (by making it a button), and rename it to “Try for free” to further emphasize that there isn't any financial cost in starting to use Essay.

- As the website loads into a dark or light theme depending on the visitor’s system settings, an override won’t often be used. Optionally, the switch can be reduced into a button which displays the active theme of the website, placing more emphasis on the CTA.

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